Features of the Rome Convention

Features of the Rome Convention

The Rome Convention, formally known as the “Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations,” was established in 1961. This international treaty aims to safeguard the rights of performers (such as actors, musicians, and dancers), producers of phonograms (like music recordings), and broadcasting organizations. The convention provides a framework for

Intellectual Property Rights
Blogs, IPR

Nature, Concept and Theories of Intellectual Property Rights

Property was said to be classified as movable or immovable during the ancient era. But with the impact of the Industrial Revolution and rapid changes in science, technology, and culture, a new term of definition of property came into existence called ‘Intellectual Property’. New rights and properties like patents, copyrights, and designs are exclusively under

International Law and Municipal Law
Blogs, International Law

Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law

International Law and Municipal law are quite different from each other. International Law is the set of rules widely regarded and recognised as binding in relations between nations and states. It only affects nations rather than private citizens and it varies depending on national legal systems. When treaties assign national jurisdiction to supranational tribunals like

Promoters of a Company
Blogs, Business, Company Law

Who are the Promoters of a Company

Promoter is someone who brings about the incorporation and organization of a corporation. He brings together the persons who become interested in the enterprise, aids in procuring subscriptions, and sets in motion the machinery which leads to the formation itself.
Section 2(69) of The Companies Act, 2013 defines the term “promoter” as a person who has been named in the prospectus or is identified by the company in the annual return referred to in section 92, a person who has control over the affairs of the company, directly or indirectly whether as a shareholder, director and a person in accordance with whose advice, directions or instructions the Board of Directors of the company is accustomed to the act.

false Electronic Signature Certificates
Blogs, IT Laws

Consequences of publishing false Electronic Signature Certificates

The 21st century is regarded as the modern period where the evolution of almost everything has taken place and therefore,  new communication systems and digital technologies have made drastic yet dramatic changes in the way we live, a revolution in the way people transact business. Businesses and consumers are increasingly using computers to create, transmit

Vishakha and ors. v State of Rajasthan Case analysis
Blogs, Case Analysis

Vishakha and ors. v State of Rajasthan: Case analysis

This case is a landmark case in the field of sexual harassment in the workplace. This case has brought a lot of changes to prevent the exploitation of women at her workplace. Before this case, there was no legislation regarding the protection of women in the workplace, but after this case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court

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